Saturday 20 June 2015

Stolen Identity

The purpose of identity is generally so one knows and is reminded of where you're coming from. The identity of an individual is then linked to a group and so forth. I have had my identity stolen a number of times.
How exactly have I lost my identity?

* My status has changed from single-and-too-busy ->single-and-looking->bride-to-be->MARRIED-> married-with-children-> wish-I-didn't-get-married-> separated.

* My body transformed as much! I started out with a 'bod to die for'->preggy bod 1-> preggy bod 2-> preggy bod 3-> I get jiggy with it, with minimum movement!

* My finances did not escape the melt down at all. My salary has always been enough with loads to spare, it migrated to -> debt orders-> bond repayments -> formula, nappies, toys, daycare & school fees->frugal -> and lately most frugal!

* Social life reduced to parent body meetings! Club scene (do they still have those!)-> party zone-> baptism preparation classes-> cyber chatting-> when last did I have coffee I didn't brew!

* Dare I forget that I have had multiple operations in the same area for the purpose of procreation!

* My right to selfishness has been revoked entirely, with no hope of ever being restored!

* In the interim I have learned to perform despite being on the brink of  'total breakdown'- level unless fueled by coffee powered sanity!

That is the total transformation of a woman who, otherwise had a bright future in fabulosity!

Right now I am the woman in the car, because that's where I am blogging from!

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