Wednesday 15 July 2015

Baby feeding tips

Our first experience as a mother can easily be described as the most frightful; regardless of how many books we read on the subject or tales we were told by family and friends.
On a recent visit to a friend, who had recently had a baby, I realised with pride that I have earned my stripes as a mother and am finally licensed to dispose advice on matters pertaining to mothering. With that said, I learned that some things are better understood when based on your personal experience.
My friend is hardly an anxious mom, but is facing some pressure from relatives trapped in the dark ages! The greatest area of concern is the feeding pattern of her 3 month old.
Breast is best, and that can't be argued but some tend to feel that breast milk is insufficient for the baby. Nonsense!! This is as far from the truth as any person can get, the only complications I have found were that you have to feed more often and that it causes nearly unquenchable thirst.
The 3 main advantages of breastfeeding
* Baby gets exact amounts of milk, according to her physical
* Baby will not get constipated.
* Mother and baby get to bond.
The 3 disadvantages of breastfeeding
* The thirst!
* The funny sensation ('let down') brought on when breastfeeding
   after being away from your precious suckling.
* Having to cart an extra bag for your breast pump.
The best advice for a new mom facing the breast milk versus formula debate
* A healthy diet equals healthy breast milk.
* Trust your gut feeling and just nod when unsolicited advice is
   being offered.
* Constipation is a common side-effect experienced by
   formula-fed infants.
* Stay hydrated - water, fruit juice, tea (excluding green tea)
* There's very little need for you to top up baby's milk with
   formula, if not recommended by a pediatrician.
* Breastfeeding is the closest you're gonna get after baby's
   birth, from there onwards they become their own little person.
The best feeling a mom can ever experience must be, when you have made a good choice for your child's sake. A choice that brings you peace of mind regardless of whether it has the approval of the masses. This holds true for the moms of both  breastfed and formula fed babies.
My choice was breastfeeding, yours can be what works for you!